Patti K Henry, MEd LPC

Patti Henry is a licensed professional counselor with a Masters' in Psychological Counseling. She sees clients individually, in coupleā€™s therapy, and for family therapy as needed. She has been in private practice for more than 30 years. Each session is 60-90 minutes long and her fee for a session is based on a sliding scale. She works to make therapy available for everyone who needs it. She sees clients in person in Houston, Texas, and online for clients who donā€™t live close by.

Featured Products

  • Two Lifetimes: From Fear to Love


  • The Emotionally Unavailable Man


  • Gotta Go!


More about Patti Henry

Patti is a successful psychotherapist, a celebrated author, a sought-after speaker, and an ordained minister. Her first book, The Emotionally Unavailable Man: A Blueprint for Healing, was an Amazon best seller and has been hailed as an important contribution to the literature for healing relationships. Her most recent book, Two Lifetimes: From Fear to Love, which is available in both hard and soft-bound editions and in Audible books, details Pattiā€™s approach to finding wholeness and happiness in life. Patti is a popular speaker for conferences, conventions, and churches.